
Easy Cream Cheese and Pear Pastries

My best recipes often happen when I play around with what I have laying around the kitchen. Last week, one of these magical recipes happened. For that reason, I don’t have a ton of pictures as I really didn’t have high expectations but the result was so good, I had to share. It all started… Continue reading Easy Cream Cheese and Pear Pastries

Retro Cooking

Retro Cooking: 1930’s Inspired Stuffed Choux

I love a good chou. It is such a satisfying thing to make. As you mix it, it feels like it's going wrong, won't work (or at least that's my personal experience every single time), then all of a sudden, you get the right consistency and your faith in the culinary world returns. I love… Continue reading Retro Cooking: 1930’s Inspired Stuffed Choux

Recipes, Retro Cooking

Retro Cooking: 1940’s Maple Dumplings

This year, for Quebec National Day, I wanted to try making an old-school Quebec dessert that I had never tried but always intrigued me. In French, it is called "Grands-pères dans le sirop" which translates to "Grandpas in syrup". Basically, it is dough poached in maple syrup. Now, I bet you are wondering about the… Continue reading Retro Cooking: 1940’s Maple Dumplings

Recipes, Retro Cooking

Retro Cooking Revisited: 1960’s Strawberry Bavarian Pie

This isn't my first Valentine's Day post. As I'm discussed before (here, here and here), since childhood, it has always been a fun occasion to remind people I care about them, share a home-cooked meal and spend quality time together. I'm not into the commercialized version, with fancy restaurant meals and expensive gifts (but I'd… Continue reading Retro Cooking Revisited: 1960’s Strawberry Bavarian Pie